我校电气工程学院电力电子与新能源技术研究中心(PEREC)邀请 IEEE Fellow、欧洲电力电子中心主席 Leo Lorenz 教授来我校授课讲座, 欢迎广大师生前来进行学习交流。
课程名称 Power Semiconductor Devices -Development Trend and Challenges in Application & Reliability
讲座人 Prof. Leo Lorenz
课程时间 2024年4月22日-24日,26日-27日,下午5、6、7节课(第九周)
课程地点 创新港3号巨构 3-4009 教室
Power electronics is a cross-sectional and ubiquitous field as it covers many disciplines, including material science, semiconductor physics and power devices, assembly and interconnection technologies, electrical circuit topologies, and control, in all systems and applications dealing with electric energy. Modern wide bandgap power semiconductor devices have enabled the miniaturization of converter systems and increased power density. However, the application engineer faces new challenges in managing parasitics, thermal management, and circuit design. The course will discuss the development trends of new power devices based on Silicon and WGB materials, as well as challenges in packaging technologies and system applications. It will outline the basics of Unipolar Transistors like Super Junction Technologies and SiC devices as well as plasma modulated transistors like IGBT and electron gas conductivity devices like GaN transistors. For all of these devices the electrical & thermal performance as well as the limits including the ruggedness , reliability and lifetime will be discussed.
Dr. Leo Lorenz is is currently Technology Advisor to the Semiconductor Industry and Governments in Germany/Europe, Board Member of key Power Electronics Conferences and President of ECPE. He is a distinguished lecturer at several Universities since 2003. He owns an IEEE- Fellowship since 2006 and is a Member of German Academy of Science since 2005. Dr. Lorenz is in the Advisory Board of several Research Institutions e.g., Fraunhofer Institute, Robert Bosch Center, CPES USA, etc. and a Technology Advisor/Reviewer of Governmental Organizations and Funding Programs.
From 1982 to 1998 Dr. Lorenz was Senior Director at Siemens responsible for Power Semiconductor Devices in Automotive & Industrial Application. From 1998 to 2013 he served as Senior Principle/Fellow with Infineon Technologies in Application and Concept Engineering for all power semiconductor Technologies in Munich/Singapore/ Shanghai. In this field he has published more than 500 Journal/conference papers with a high citation rate and is the owner of many basic patents. He gave more than 90 key note presentations at high level Summits and Conferences. Beside his work in Industry, he is a Honorable/Adjunct Professor at several Universities in Germany and Worldwide. In this function he provides courses on power semiconductor technologies and supervised more than 20 PhD Students. Dr. Lorenz is Founder/Co-founder of several conferences and served as General Chair of several Conferences. He received several times the best paper Award at IEEE Conferences. In 1996, 98 and 99 he received the Siemens Innovation Award and from the German Industry Society the Innovation Award in 2002. Beside these he received several high-level IEEE Awards e.g., IEEE ISPSD Outstanding Contributory Award in 2010 (Japan), the IEEE- Gerald Kliman Innovator Award in 2011 (USA) and so on.